6 Must Know Social Media Tips for Companies in Perth

6 Must Know Social Media Tips for Companies in Perth

What started off as a hobby during downtime – checking what our friends are up to, following celebrities, and reconnecting with people from the past, has fast turned in to a beehive of hope for businesses around the globe.

In fact, today more than ever, no matter the size of a business, social media is part of the strategy. Everybody with the organic approach and many with the paid approach. Not only does every company’s plan include a social media presence, the ROI expectations that accompanies the strategy are a great cause of disappointment for many.

Of course, this is not the fault of the business owner or team. With the amount of social media ‘experts’ finding every opportunity to push their online courses and expertise these days, it’s hard not to get caught up in the hype.

Can social media help your company?

Yes! It certainly can!

Will social media be the unicorn that will carry your company forward?


Here are 6 tips to keep in mind when creating a social media strategy for your company:

  1. Most companies should never rely on social media as a main lead generator. We say most because some business could.
  2. Inconsistency can really hurt a company and the brand – one logo, one mission statement and one contact number will limit confusion amongst your audience.
  3. Always approach social media with a strategy in place.
  4. Dedicate the time to research your audience prior to launching campaigns.
  5. Always aim to educate, not sell – build relationships and trust.
  6. Having your ads show up in front of your audience does not guarantee success – some require seeing your ad 3-4 times before they would click it.

If you are contemplating social media for your company or brand and uncertain where to start, how to continue, or how to capitalise, contact us and we would be happy to help.

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