How to Win Business with an Online Reputation
You know those golden stars that show up on Google when you search for services or a company?
Believe it or not, those golden stars can make or break a brand.
Well, if you’re short on time and need a quick answer, the word you’re looking for is trust. If you have a few minutes to spare, here’s the longer version:
We live in a day and age where people simply rely on other’s opinions. What does that mean? It means that even though two people may not know each other, they will still follow each other’s advice when it comes to experience with a product or service.
What does this mean for brands?
Firstly, it means that today, more than ever, the first impression is crucial. Most brands these days don’t even get an opportunity to deliver a pitch. A prospect will search your company name or product and from then onwards, there’s only two things that can happen:
- You have a negative online reputation – before even talking to you or looking at your products, the prospect has a negative feeling about your brand.
- You have a positive online reputation – without having to deliver any elevator pitches, you delivered a good first impression and you are one step closer to conversion.
So, if the two points above are anything to go by, a prospect has made up their mind about you without even giving you a chance to show them your product.
Fair? not really. Lost cause? Certainly not.
4 steps to building a positive online reputation
- Create a process – think of the opportunities throughout your relationship with your current clients where you could reach out and generate a positive review for your company.
- Ownership – unless somebody own the process, it is unlikely to get done, so make sure you have someone in your company owning your reputation.
- The blast from the past – look through your list of past clients, those who you did good work for. It’s never too late to reach out and ask them how their experience was.
- Start without stopping – don’t be alarmed when you only get two responses out of eight. Stick to the process you have in place as every review counts.
Generating positive reviews and creating a great first impression can have a massive impact on your brand and even if you haven’t done so yet, it’s never too late to start.
If you have any further questions regarding online reputation or other digital marketing products, feel free to reach out to us at A Digital Marketer. We are always happy to chat.